The Ancient Wonders of the Iberian Peninsula

Southern Europe is home to exotic and ancient wonders that many of those outside the region often overlook--or else simply don’t know about. The region is filled with world shaping art, historic importance, and cultural significance. Perhaps one of the most crucial areas in the entirety of the region, is the Iberian Peninsula. 

Back in college, I fell in love with this region while studying abroad. I have since returned several times.

Iberian Peninsula

Iberian Peninsula

The Iberian Peninsula is a region of southern Europe that is owned currently by modern day Spain and Portugal. It is a mountainous region that is home to sprawling landscapes, gorgeous cities, beautiful culture, and mysterious ancient wonders. 

The Iberian Peninsula was the stage of conflict and cultural expansion for both Muslim and Christian empires and crusades. It is the bridge between worlds, connecting Africa and Europe, and has seen untold conflict, strife, beauty, and adventure. It truly is one of the most exotic locations in all of recorded history--and in fact planet Earth itself. 

Those who are seeking a truly unique experience travel each year to the Iberian Peninsula. They seek out the culture, food, language, people, etc. But they also seek out the ancient and long-forgotten wonders of the world that once existed here. So, what exactly are these wonders? 

The City of Cádiz


Western Europe is ancient in many ways. However, perhaps one of the most ancient areas in all of western Europe is the southern region of the Iberian Peninsula. Namely, the region of Andalusia in southern Spain. This is where you will find the small port city of Cádiz.


Cádiz is a tiny little town jutting out off of the mainland of Spain just south of Seville. This city was originally built by the Phoenicians, and can be dated back as far as 1,100 BCE. This is a staggering age for any city, and makes it among the most ancient you are ever likely to visit in Europe. 


Today, you can still explore the walled port city. You can walk the stone streets, explore the religious centers, and enjoy the white sand beaches. While it may be host to modern day visitors, this is still one of the most breathtaking remnants of the ancient world.

The Alhambra


The Alhambra is one of the most famous sites in all of southern Spain. Located again in the mountains of the region of Andalusia, this palace complex has seen many different owners over the years. These various owners have each added their own touch, and have made this palace complex one of the most exotic in the entire world. 


The Alhambra was first constructed in the ninth century AD, and it was used as a Roman fortification in the area and soon left forgotten. That is until Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Yusuf ibn Nasr of the Emirate of Granada took control and refurbished the palace into the glorious mountain showpiece that it is today. 


These days visitors can make the hike to the palace complex and explore the site and soak in one of the most beautiful views in all of Spain. This palace complex is truly one of the most wonderful pieces left over from the ancient days of the Muslim rule in the Iberian Peninsula, and is a testament to what mankind can achieve. 

A Luxury Traveler’s Guide to the Greek Isles


If you are looking for a beach getaway, Greece should be at the top of your list. However, the beach is not the only reason millions of travelers flock to this this country every year. Clients of mine love how friendly the Greeks are – always welcoming if you have kids tagging along. But of course this is a top destination for the perfect couple's retreat. 

Muralla Romana de Lugo

Muralla Romana de Lugo

The Muralla Romana de Lugo, or The Roman Walls of Lugo, are another remnant of the ancient Roman empire. These massive walls are a UNESCO World Heritage site, and are a popular site for visitors all across the globe. Located in the northwest corner of Spain, in the region of Galicia, is the historic city of Lugo. 


Lugo is surrounded by over two kilometers of massive stonework walls that still stand to this day, and date back to the second century AD. The walls feature 10 gates, and 49 towers. Most of these towers are still fully intact, and can be observed and seen in all of their wonder and majesty. 


Muralla Romana de Lugo is a testament to the power of the ancient Romans who defended the city from the invading Germanic tribes and other surrounding enemies. These walls have seen nearly 2,000 years of

It’s hard to believe just how long modern civilization has grown and thrived in the Iberian Peninsula. From the Phoenicians to the Romans and modern-day Spanish and Portuguese, this land has seen it all. That is what makes the Iberian Peninsula so exciting for adventurers and history lovers alike. And the food? DELICIOUS!

All the places have their own signature flavors and traditions, and creating the perfect itinerary can take a long time. Schedule a call with me. I would love to help you save your time and have stress-free holidays that you can enjoy to the fullest.